Love Yourself!

Hard part about gaining and then losing weight is that you always have a different perspective on what you look like.  I know for myself I stlove yourself skinnyruggle with this everyday.  I focus too much on certain aspects like the number on the scale then what I have accomplished or the way my body looks.  I want to be honest with you for a moment, the past few weeks I have been struggling.  I have been struggling with viewing myself the way that others see me.  It’s hard… it really is hard when you’ve been overweight, to see yourself any other way than overweight.  I know I shouldn’t feel that way, because truthfully I am in smaller clothes now then I was in high school when I was swimming year round and I truly feel like I am in better shape.

I have had a hard week trying to reevaluate my plan of action on my lifestyle change.  I always have a way of getting in a “rut” with the foods that I eat.  I workout A LOT.  A usual day for me is a workout in the morning followed by one in the evening most days of the week.  I noticed a few weeks ago, that my weight was just kinda standing still and I wasn’t noticing any changes at all in regards to toning certain aspects of my body.  I am really not trying to lose any more weight per say, I am just trying to tone things now so things don’t giggle 😉 I decided that I needed to really pay attention to what I eat on a daily basis and not limit myself.  You see, for lunch I was pretty much skipping it.  I ate a Quest Bar for my lunch and considered that my lunch.  By the time dinner came I was always starving (0f course) and tended to over eat.  Last week I made some changes…I had lunch every day, had an afternoon snack, and we ate dinner at home every night (no eating or ordering out)!  These BIG changes to my meal plan allowed for things to start happening!  I started to see some toning changes occurring and because of this a little weight loss.  It’s hard for me to admit this, but I have an issue with loving myself, my body and food.

I decided that this week I am going to remind myself each day that I have come a long way in my journey.  I have lost over 90 pounds and victoria secret dove love your bodyam in probably the best shape of my life.  We at times can get distracted and focused on what society says we should look like.  We aren’t a “one size fits all” body type.  We are all unique in our appearance, what counts is you LOVE yourself and you LOVE the way you look.  Your body is your temple and you need to appreciate its abilities.  I know for myself, this is something that has been difficult for me because I find myself comparing myself to others and what society thinks I should look like.  This will stop NOW for me.  I am going to continue with my journey and learn as much as I can about myself and my abilities.  I will continue to improve on my eating habits and learning to love food for what it is to my body, FUEL!

It’s important to always take a step back and look at yourself and your progress to make sure you are staying on track and not swaying from your original goals.  This week was my week to take a look at my journey and see that I have moved off track a bit.  I am slowly getting myself back on track and I am happy about my continued progress!  As I always say, this is a lifestyle not a temporary fix!

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