Love Yourself!

Hard part about gaining and then losing weight is that you always have a different perspective on what you look like.  I know for myself I struggle with this everyday.  I focus too much on certain aspects like the number on the scale then what I have accomplished or the way my body looks.  I … More Love Yourself!

Getting Started…

Deciding to become a better version of yourself is more than just increasing your physical activity and eating a little better for a few weeks.  Building a better version of yourself is a lifestyle change and it is going to take time and commitment from YOU in order to be successful!  When you decide that you … More Getting Started…

Conquering Fear…

Fear, it’s a small word, but a BIG issue in regards to starting a lifestyle change.  Fear is defined as a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc.,whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.  Beginning a new lifestyle with changes in diet or exercise can be distressing to … More Conquering Fear…