Drink Up

So, this is the last and final post of blogging into the New Year!  Can’t believe tomorrow is New Year’s Eve!!!  Tomorrow is my day to get my goals/resolutions down on paper, and start 2016 off on the right foot! So, I’ve told you about how I changed my eating habits and my exercise habits … More Drink Up

Work It Out!

It’s day 2 into my blogging into the New Year and today I am going to talk about my exercise habits and how along with changing my eating habits have helped me successfully lose 90+ pounds and keep it off! When I finally decided that I needed to change, I first changed my eating habits … More Work It Out!

Goal Setting!

It’s the point in the year, where everyone begins to set goals and “bucket lists” for the upcoming year.  At the top of most lists is something health related.  Either losing weight, getting in shape, or becoming healthier it is a thought that is on everyone’s minds that we need to take care of our … More Goal Setting!

Work In Progress

Those of you that follow this blog probably have read many times that I have been working on myself and building a better version of myself for about 3 years now.  It has been a VERY slow process, but I never let that get me down.  Slow progress is still progress in the right direction. … More Work In Progress


Yesterday, Beachbody released a BRAND new program that is the first of it’s kind!  This program is a collaboration between 2 of their already amazing trainers, Sagi Kalev (Body Beast) and Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme). You may be wondering what in the world this program is and what it … More Hammer&Chisel