It’s Not Easy, But It’s Worth It!

healthylivingI hate to say it, but there is nothing magic about weight loss.  It is HARD and it takes TIME and COMMITMENT to be successful. There has to be a drive in yourself that you are tired of starting over and this time you are going to do it!  Like I have said before, this is not a temporary process, it’s a lifestyle change!  It’s hard to make a change when you can be so use to what you always do!  It took me 3 years to get where I am today, and that may seem like a long time, but in the scheme of things I am adding years to my life by making changes now!  I’m not finished with my journey yet in the least!  If you saw my Transformation Tuesday post,  then you know that when I started this, it was very hard because I was tired ALL THE TIME! The first week or so of exercise, you may still be tired, but that will all change!  Soon you will be feeling energized and ready to conquer your days!  You won’t want to MISS a workout!

To start, you need to make a decision and a promise to yourself.  You need to make a decision that you are READY for a change, you are committed to the process, and you ARE GOING TO SUCCEED!  setgoalskickemintheface

After you’ve made that decision and committed yourself, set some goals.  Set short term goals and long term goals!  You want to be able to see your progress throughout this journey!

Once you’ve made your goals, you need to find a fitness program that works for you and your schedule.  You need to find something you ENJOY to do and you will look forward to doing.  That doesn’t mean it’s going to be an easy program, because if working out was easy, everyone would be doing it.  It’s going to be a challenge at first, but then you’ll get STRONGER!

You’ll then need to address your nutrition.  Living a healthy lifestyle is 80% diet and 20% working out.  Although the fitness component is a big component, your diet is where it really counts!  You’ll need to start tracking everything you eat and drink and counting up the calories you eat each day.  My Fitness Pal is what I have used and continue to use and it is a great application to help you keep track of your nutrition.  You need to decrease the number of sodas and sugary drinks that you drink each day and increase the amount of water you drink.  Water is vital to our bodies!  If nutrition is something you struggle with, check out the nutrition page on this blog for some great recipe ideas and as always you can reach out to me and I can help you in any way I can!

So are you ready!  Are you ready to commit to the process and build a better version of yourself!  I think you are!  I am here for support and motivation!  You can always reach out if you need!  beselfish

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